These are portions of the insert label-warnings for both Pfizer’s and AstraZeneca’s Gene Transfer platforms. This is their own words, not mine, and anybody who thinks I’ve been exaggerating can now take it up with Pfizer and AstraZeneca:
The following excerpt is from yesterday, August 26th, 2021:
The forced mass vaccination of humanity will be regarded as one of the most deadly and costly medical mistakes in history, renowned pioneer in the early treatment of the alleged Covid-19 disease, Texas cardiologist and internist Dr. Peter McCullough, has said.
Citing recent data from the U.S Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and from Israel and Britain, where Covid-19 cases are multiplying among the vaccinated, McCullough, who is editor-in-chief of two medical journals and author of over 600 peer-reviewed studies, including 46 dedicated to Covid-19, said he is “deeply worried” about the future of America.
“Americans are going to bear the brunt of what invariably is going to be a failed mass vaccination program that will go down as one of the most deadly, one of the most injurious and costly in human history,” McCullough said in a recent podcast.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced in April that it has stopped tracking Covid cases among the vaccinated that do not result in hospitalisations or deaths. The agency is now assuming that new cases are among the unvaccinated unless otherwise advised, which skews numbers to paint the unvaccinated as spreaders of disease.
“This intentional misinformation and propaganda scheme has been used to drive an incredible fury of vaccine mandates” for government agencies, veterans administrations, and hundreds of schools and colleges, even though here have been no outbreaks in these places, McCullough said.
Israel was the first country to mass vaccinate its population under an agreement with Pfizer to exchange vaccine supply for public health data in an experiment on the people “to evaluate whether herd immunity protection is observed during the Product vaccination program rollout.”
Eighty percent of adults are fully vaccinated there, yet Covid-19 cases and serious hospitalisations have risen 20-fold since early July. The media has highlighted that most serious new cases have been among the unvaccinated, while neglecting to report that the majority (more than 80 percent) of new cases reported by the Israeli Health Ministry are among vaccinated individuals.
In response, Israel introduced a third “booster shot” of Pfizer’s mRNA injection which has been administered to more than one million people as of August 16th, 2021.
In the United Kingdom, more than three-quarters of the adult population (76 percent) have received two doses of a Covid-19 injection and almost 90 percent of adults have received at least one dose. Yet, the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized has soared sevenfold since early June of this year.
The most recent U.K. report on “variants of concern” published by Public Health England revealed that 58 percent of Covid-19 deaths are among the fully vaccinated, with that number rising to 67 percent when including those who had received a single dose of a Covid-19 injection.
That data, Dr. Peter McCullough said, “is basically showing that the vaccines are failing…. Vaccinated people can acquire and transmit the pandemic coronavirus and become sick with and die of Covid-19. Completely vaccinated individuals are passing it to one another.”
Nonetheless, citing the new circulating Delta variant, the Biden administration is expected to follow Israel’s example and introduce a third booster shot for all nursing home residents and healthcare workers from September 2021.
The so-called vaccines were of course never tested for the Delta variant — for obvious reason: namely, these so-called vaccines created the Delta variant, in much the same way that antibiotics drive antibiotic resistance.
Quoting Dr. Peter McCullough again:
“It is clear we cannot vaccinate our way out of this.”
So clear, I say, that the entire world has no conception whatsoever of this obvious truth, and this is why the entire world welcomed with great pomp and fanfare the greatest genocide in human history.
Not that it matters now, of course, but just incidentally: the Wuhan virus, which is more commonly known by the purposely propagandistic “Covid-19,” no matter what the variant, is absurdly easy to successfully treat — at home, no less — with inexpensive and wildly abundant methods.
I quote the physician and Nobel-Prize nominee Dr. Vladimir (“Zev”) Zelenko, who successfully treated thousands of covid patients in early March of 2020 (i.e. before any of the totally unconstitutional, totally unnecessary, utterly destructive, sickeningly lethal governmental-forced lockdowns):
“About 88 percent of hospitalizations and deaths can be avoided with early treatment of this virus…. This is why every covid death that occurred in a hospital should be counted as murder.”
And, I would add, prosecuted as such.
For daring to successfully treat the Wuhan virus and for daring to save thousands and thousands of lives with their early treatment protocols, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, like Dr. Peter McCullough and many other true and excellent healthcare professionals, has been targeted with extreme prejudice by public health institutions, governments, and government bureaucrats all across the world.
Dr. McCullough, for instance, a graduate of Baylor University who worked as a Vice Chair of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center from January 2014 until February 2021 and whose credentials are absolutely impeccable, recently addressed the Texas Senate Health and Human Service Committee about early Covid-19 treatment protocols. Immediately after his testimony, which contained not a single factual error and because of which not a single human anywhere — neither doctor, nor scientist, nor politician, nor anyone else — attempted to refute, had his contract with Baylor immediately cancelled, and then Dr. McCullough was sued by the Texas-based health system Baylor Scott & White (BSWH) … after the good doctor’s affiliation with the system was noted during a public interview.
The BSWH lawsuit has gone nowhere.
Their lawsuit, however, coincided with the sudden and inexplicable decision by BSWH to mandate these experimental genetic injections which are masquerading as vaccines for all 40,000 of its employees.
Many of these employees, to their overwhelming credit, immediately resigned.
Which is why BSWH has found itself plunged into a staffing crisis beyond any it has every known.
“I’m deeply worried concerned regarding the future of America and also deeply afraid of loss of freedom of speech and of scientific discourse,” Dr. Peter McCullough said. “There are deep threats out there to doctors who are really just doing their best—to help patients and save lives.”
Dr. McCullough cited a July 29th statement from the Federation of State Medical Boards, which threatens doctors who spread what these bureaucrats deem as medical “misinformation” about these genetic injections masquerading as vaccines — specifically, these bureaucrats threaten to pull any doctors’ medical license if any doctor says anything negative about about these experimental genetic injections masquerading as vaccines. This so-called misinformation includes but is not limited to any doctor sharing the publicly available data from both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the ghastly, shocking death-toll and harm caused by these experimental genetic injections. To wit:
Here, incidentally, is how the thoroughly bureaucratized, thoroughly asinine Federation of State Medical Boards defines what they deem (and I’ve emphasized that word twice now precisely because their criteria, which concerns grave matters of life and death, has nothing to do with the observation of medical data — scientific information: “Consensus-driven for the betterment of public health.”
That is a direct and verbatim quote.
Dr. Peter McCullough has openly, courageously, and correctly criticized the “totalitarian” nature of vaccine mandates — as he has also repeatedly pointed to the CDC’s own adverse-event data, noting furthermore “that already [late July of 2021] 11,221 have been declared disabled due to the vaccine.”
That number has since grown to 16,044 as of the 26th August 2021.
“These safety events are way out of line. This vaccine is nowhere close to being safe. Every person who takes the needle is thinking about the scoreboard.”
Instead, he said, “Americans are flying blind. They don’t know which vaccine is the safest.”
“Americans are given no information on this. It is basically impossible for them to navigate this vaccine decision. They say simply: ‘Take the vaccine, and it doesn’t matter which one.’”
“None of this makes sense in terms of the program being about Covid-19; it almost seems like it’s about submissiveness, or coercion, or control. The population is basically being forced into mass vaccination.”
BOMBSHELL: United Kingdom Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push
In the UK, 402 deaths out of 47,008 cases were in the vaccinated, and 253 deaths out of 151,054 cases were in unvaccinated. If you contract covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated.
Some allowance must be made for more elderly people being vaccinated, but not enough to change the bottom line: this vaccine is not nearly as effective as advertised.
And with all its unknowns, and a much higher adverse reporting number than all other vaccines combined, a complete recalibration of global policy is the only moral option.