“This vaccine is the biggest risk to the genocide of humanity in all human history” — Nobel Prize Winning Virologist, Luc A. Montagnier
  • It’s of the utmost importance that all people — no matter where on planet earth you live, no matter where on the political spectrum you place yourself, no matter your specific thoughts and opinions about Covid-19 — it is of the utmost importance, I say again, that all people realize the following thing above any other:

    A breach of medical ethics has taken place in the name of the Wuhan virus, and it is a breach so profound, so serious, so appalling that it’s not only without precedent — although it’s certainly that — but also in its best aspect it is a crime one step removed from attempted genocide.

    In its worst aspect, it is genocide.

    This is neither overstatement nor hyperbole nor speculation.

    The medical-ethical breach and the humanitarian crime I’m speaking of is the crime of injecting untold thousands of pregnant women with an experimental and biologically active gene-transfer platform which has never been tested — not once — for safety in pregnant women.

    These genetic platforms are delivered, also for the first time in human history, by means of lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, and which for over a decade have been known to collect in the ovaries and testes, often causing permanent infertility and sterility — even in the developing bodies of children.

    Please say it aloud with me:

    Lipid nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta and for over a decade have been known to collect in the ovaries and testes, often causing permanent infertility and sterility — even in the developing bodies of children.

    This is the singular fact about this murderous excuse for a vaccine, and if you only know and discuss one aspect of this entire deadly farce, let it be the facts about lipid nanoparticles.

    The seriousness of this act transcends all partisan divides, all thoughts and opinions and and dogmas about the Wuhan virus. This one thing alone is a monstrous crime that should be fully and immediately brought to justice.

    It is a medical-ethical breach which, in terms of sheer numbers, has never before happened in world history, and there is no way to justify, excuse, or in any way mitigate or diminish the scope and depth of it, as there is no way to justify or excuse the ghastly criminality of it.

    This crime took place in the present-day world, beginning less than one year ago, and it is still taking place.

    The only thing more appalling and more shocking than the crime itself is the lack of outrage against this crime: the passive-silent acceptance and, in many cases and worse still, the explicit espousal of it.

    There’s no question that these biologically active genetic injections were administered to pregnant women before any longterm safety testing had been conducted. That is a fact. I know of no person — no matter the political perspective, no matter their profession, no matter their credentials — who denies this.

    There’s not any way for any person to logically deny that in being pushed through at “warp speed,” via the “Emergency Authorization Act,” there was not remotely enough time required to test, observe, and study what longterm effects, if any, these genetic platforms might have in pregnant women — or, for that matter, in any other human being.

    For all vaccines and medications prior to the Wuhan virus, a minimum of 5 years observation time was legally, legitimately required. For any genetic medication or treatment, a minimum of 10 years observation time was legally, legitimately required. All children and pregnant women are properly excluded from any and every vaccine drug-testing trial period — which, as I say and repeat for emphasis, requires for non-genetic drugs a minimum of 5 years, and for genetic treatments and their delivery mechanisms (like lipid nanoparticles), a minimum of 10 years observational study is properly required.

    Do you know what authorities all across the world did after testing for a 2 months this biologically active genetic platform masquerading as a vaccine, which properly excluded all pregnant woman and children during the 2-month trials?

    Answer: They injected them into hundreds of thousands of children and pregnant women. That number now total into the billions — and counting.

    Did you know what happened to every single animal tested with these experimental, biologically active genetic platforms, which are delivered for the first time in all of human history by means of lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, and which have been long known to collect in the ovaries and testes, often causing permanent infertility and sterility in humans and animals of all ages?

    Answer: Every single animal died.

    These animals died of autoimmune reactions and side-effects.

    In many cases, it took up to a year before the side-effects killed the animals.

    Do you know how many humans died in less than a year from these experimental, biologically active genetic platforms, which are delivered for the first time in all of human history by means of lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, These genetic platforms are delivered, also for the first time in human history, by means of lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, and which for over a decade have been known to collect in the ovaries and testes, often causing permanent infertility and sterility — even in the developing bodies of children?

    Answer: Of course you don’t.

    No one does.

    The data has been deliberately suppressed and kept hidden.

    But truth will out.

    Here, in brief, I give you some small indication — from the CDC, the WHO, and medicare’s own databases:






    This one fact alone — forget everything else — is a deed of such staggering malfeasance that it completely, absolutely, entirely discredits, as it also irreparably flaws, every part of this whole deadly farce and “vaccine” rollout, which, according the the FDA, is known as Gene Transfer Therapy.

    It is an unspeakable violation of the principle of full and informed consent, and it is an act of deception and coercion of such an enormous magnitude that no part of it can by any rational standard be defended.

    We have in this last year witnessed the largest humanitarian crime in all human history, and it is still going on, and it is about to get worse.

    All the other questionable facets concerning these genetic injections masquerading as vaccines — including but not limited to the fact that these genetic injections are unnecessarily being given to young people who under no circumstances need them and to Covid-recovered patients who under no circumstances need them, thereby diminishing the natural immunity in both demographics — immunity they already developed, immunity which, in indiscriminately administering the “vaccine” to these already-immune people, now make them susceptible to reinfection (and, just incidentally, prolonging the pandemic in the process) and driving variants in the same way that antibiotics drive antibiotic resistance — all other facts about it, I repeat, fall beneath this one horrifying, inexcusable fact:

    Pregnant women in the present-day world were knowingly injected with a biologically active genetic agent before any safety-testing was conducted. These genetic platforms are delivered, also for the first time in all human history, by means of lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta. 

    Lipid nanoparticles, which cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, are the singular fact about this murderous excuse for a vaccine. Lipid nanoparticles have also long been known to collect in the ovaries and testes, often causing infertility and sterility thereby — even in the developing bodies of children. Nobody knows their longterm consequences. Nobody. Anyone who tells you that anybody knows the longterm consequences here, which includes the consequences of the blood-brain-barrier-crossing nanoparticles they’re packaged in, is either totally ignorant, totally evil, totally lying, or all three. 

    This is an unequivocal, blatant crime that’s been committed by agencies of the United States government and governments across the entire world.

    These are crimes against humanity. These are war crimes. These are acts of unthinkable criminality which can ultimately be described as one thing only: bioterrorism.

    The following is what they’re doing next:

    The CDC now listing vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as UNvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of the vaccine:

    This man is a hero of the highest order — in many different ways — and history will, you may be sure, remember him exactly as such:

    Please, reader, wake up.

About The Author

Ray Harvey

I was born and raised in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. I've worked as a short-order cook, construction laborer, crab fisherman, janitor, bartender, pedi-cab driver, copyeditor, and more. I've written and ghostwritten several published books and articles, but no matter where I've gone or what I've done to earn my living, there's always been literature and learning at the core of my life.

8 Responses and Counting...

  • Jo 09.02.2021

    Do you have a link to the video (with the english translation) of Luc Montagnier saying he refuses to be vaccinated so that the video can be shared? Thank you

  • Thank you to the journalists and editor/s like you for speaking up.

  • Anontio, you are the prime-rib in my smorgasborg — and I mean that truly.

    You know why?

    You think for yourself.

    And that, friend, is everything.

  • My thanks to you both.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you for this… Being the last of my social sphere not to be covid vaccinated; for reasons which resonate with your words, can be difficult. At times questioning my own resolve. However, the conviction I feel in my thoughts I also see, hear, and feel in your words. Its reassuring that I am not the only one.
    I hope you don’t mind if I share this.
    Thank you once again

  • Thank you, James. People like you are what will save the world.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you for your clear coverage of so much information. It is crucial that those who are new to the truth can find it in an accessible form. I am devastated that Luc Montagnier has died and so suddenly after explaining his attitude to the vaccine mandate for medics and it’s HIV component on TV. He was a great man.

  • Thank you, Charlotte.

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