Anybody — and I mean anybody — who tells you that anyone knows the longterm consequences or side-effects of Gene Transfer Therapy is either lying or totally ignorant or totally evil.
I repeat: anybody — and I mean anybody — who tells you that anyone knows the longterm consequences or side-effects of Gene Transfer Therapy is either lying or totally ignorant or totally evil.
There’s also, of course, this:
Cloth masks don’t work for any aerosol virus. They never have. They never will. It is exactly the equivalent of wearing one (or two or three) of these masks to prevent yourself from smelling woodsmoke.
Cloth masks will not block anyone from smelling woodsmoke.
For the same reason, no cloth mask will block any aerosol virus.
No cloth mask ever has.
No cloth mask ever will.
It was all a lie.
All of it.
And natural immunity is better than any experimental genetic injection which was tested for a grand total of two months and which in 8 months time has for a fact killed and harmed more individual human lives than all other vaccines in history combined.
The deadliest rollout in human history by light years.
Deadliest, most harmful “vaccine” in human history by light years.